8 Mandates to the Law and Order of Life



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NOVEMBER 3, 2014
Morris County Police Academy



What is your life's purpose?

What is your life’s purpose? It’s not a summary of your daily activities or career as an Officer until the end of your life. It is the whole reason you exist. It is what you were made to do or be.

Some think that finding their true life purpose is a daunting task. In all honesty, your life’s purpose is all around you, at every moment.

However, as individuals involved in the life of law enforcement, we get so overwhelmed that we have lost sight of it. Between our careers, our health and safety, families, and personal issues some of us are just living to make it to retirement. That doesn’t have to be it!

Your life, your dreams, everything you see yourself within and outside of your career of a Law Enforcement Officer - all of it has a purpose! And once you realize that, you have taken the first step to finding your true life purpose!

Here are some tips to keep you on that track:

  1. Decide what it is you love: What do you enjoy the most? What makes you happy? Fulfilled? Make a list of those things! Include the parts of your career that you enjoy as well!
  2. Decide what you do naturally: Everyone has unlimited potential... but each of us are born with certain gifts! What are yours, naturally? Are you a great listener? Are you great with kids? Are you a natural born leader? These are your gifts, and they were given to you to push you on the path toward your life purpose. Make a list of these gifts, and compare them to your list of what you love. Take the time to notice what these lists share in common.
  3. Forward Movement: Every day make a conscious effort to make the forward movement on your personal path to your life’s purpose. Spend at least 30 minutes a day doing something from the 2 lists you made, whether it be the passions in your life or practicing your natural gifts in a productive way! Notice how you feel after each session!

No one can pretend it’s going to be an overnight journey-that’s why it’s called your LIFE’s purpose. Your entire life is going to be spent fulfilling it, as long as you keep it in your mind that you will. And the one thing that I know about my fellow brothers and sisters out here serving and protecting our communities -- We are capable of any and everything we set our minds and hearts to!

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