8 Mandates to the Law and Order of Life



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NOVEMBER 3, 2014
Morris County Police Academy



Getting More Done in Less Time

As individuals in law enforcement, far too often we find ourselves wondering, “Why am I so tired but feel as if I got nothing accomplished?” When working in law enforcement, productivity can be difficult to obtain due the stresses of work and family.  We juggle tasks,  get pulled in too many directions, and have a lot of things left hanging in the air. It doesn’t always have to be that way. With just a little discipline and dedication, you can find yourself becoming more productive day by day.

Productivity is the perfect marriage of wise planning and focusing your efforts. The most fortunate thing about it is: You can always improve! No matter your starting point, these tips will help you increase your productivity by leaps and bounds!

1. Create and establish your routine: Our brains are programmed to execute patterns, and our bodies run on patterns as well. To get your routine rolling, consider your body’s natural patterns. When are you more energetic, more tired? Are you more productive in the morning, evenings, or nights? Consider that when planning your actual routine. Plan tasks that require more energy or attention for those parts of the day you’re at your peak. Leave smaller, less strenuous tasks for the times your body is winding down. Once you’re able to recognize that and plan accordingly, stick to the routine.

2. Work in 60-90 minute intervals: Working in focused intervals will help you accomplish more tasks, in less time. After 60 to 90 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break to reboot your brain. Walk around the room, step outside, eat a snack-anything. Just allow your brain to recharge from time to time throughout the day. This will help you focus better during each interval.

3. Don’t multi-task: Your brain focuses better when you don’t switch rapidly between tasks. Give each task/goal your full attention until completion, and then move on to the next. Of course, there are some tasks that require more time or more steps. Break them up into milestones, and focus on them one by one.

These steps are just the beginning, and you may find others that help you along the way. Everyone is different, but we all share one thing in common-we have infinite productivity potential! Our careers as officers prove it!

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